Saturday 28 March 2020

Day 6: Goldfinch

A small charm of goldfinches often visit our garden; hearing their bell-like contact calls to each other as they fly, or their inquisitive chirrups as they sit near the seed feeders, is always a treat. I don't think any of our British birds are truly dull, but the goldfinch must be one of the most exotic in appearance; beautiful blush coloured plumage of varying shades over the body, yellow- and white-barred black wings and the crimson-red face all add to their charm.

As our garden becomes more established (nearly four years in), they have begun to favour different perches. This individual is gripping one of the more wayward stems of the rambling 'Wedding Day' rose. They are fond of the sunflower hearts we offer in our seed feeders, but, in the summer, they often prefer to tweeze out the seeds of the field scabious that I selectively dead head.

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