Wednesday 8 April 2020

Day 17: Anemone coronaria 'Harmony Pearl'

I must admit, this particular plant was an impulse buy earlier in spring, when I was desperate for there to be a little more colour in the garden. I was seduced by the beautifully purple centres, emanating outwards towards white petal edges. Even the anthers appear blue-purple, held above short and spindly lilac filaments. All of this majesty held above delicate lace-like, low growing foliage.

The 'Plant for Wildlife' logo on the plant label was also attractive, and the label states it is attractive to bees, but I have yet to see any visit the flowers. This is one of four anemone species I have introduced to the garden, and is the only one flowering at the moment. It should flower all the way through from March until August, overlapping with the flowering period of all of the others, hopefully creating a lovely display.

References: accessed 08/04/2020 accessed 08/04/2020

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