Sunday 12 April 2020

Day 21: Chaffinch (Male)

Unlike some of our garden birds, the chaffinch doesn't stay with us year long. A male usually announces himself in spring with his 'telling off' piping call, then disappears again in late summer / early autumn. This one arrived in the garden early last week and has popped back most days. He hasn't yet discovered the hanging feeders, but has gained enough confidence to try the ground feeding table, filling up on sunflower hearts.

I am, however, a little concerned about his feet and legs, and am wondering whether he has 'scaly foot'. Having done a little research online, it seems this is caused by mites and is highly contagious. Other than keeping the feeders clean to try to prevent it spreading to other birds, I'm not sure if there's anything else I can, or should, do for this individual.

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