Sunday 19 April 2020

Day 28: Pied Wagtail

I don't really know why, but I am always a little more excited to see a pied wagtail in the garden than most of our other avian visitors. I am happy to see all of them, of course, but there is something about the character of a pied wagtail that I find particularly charming. Or, maybe it is because I've never experienced them visit a garden in other houses I've lived in.

They patrol the roofs of the neighbourhood, wagging their long tails and chirruping to, it would often seem, to no one in particular. They fly, undulating, down into the garden to hoover up ants and other insects, occasionally trying to chase down flying insects on foot rather than flying, or performing acrobatics to catch them in mid air.

Since we improved the pond, making it larger and easier for birds and mammals to access, a couple of weeks ago, we've definitely seen more of these sprightly little birds dashing around the garden. Yet another reason that everyone should provide some kind of water source for wildlife.

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